Data Dinosaurs

The ancient, inefficient technology and practices holding you back.

Operations and Finance departments in capital markets are full of outdated technology and ways of working. Prehistoric systems stomp over best practices and block out transparency, leaving a trail of manual processes, risk, effort and cost in their wake.

Read about the most troublesome Data Dinosaurs, then scroll down to learn how to banish them from your organisation for good!


T-Recs are fearsome and uncontrollable Data Dinosaurs that eat up resources.

They have a very specific diet and struggle to ingest any data that doesn’t meet their narrow requirements. Their cousins, Free-Recs, often come under the guise of a good deal, but soon slow down operations with their lack of features and poor performance. The largest financial firms have thousands of workers running around after T-Recs and Free-Recs, cleaning up after the false exceptions they spits out.



The slowest Data Dinosaur are the Onpremosaurs.

Operations and Finance workers – and their unfortunate IT teams – across the globe spend their days and nights trying to herd these lumbering beasts, often with little success. They are rigid and stuck in their ways, unable to change or move quickly in the face of new business needs. They lack intelligence, leaving it up to legions of ‘Human APIs’ to manually compensate for their automation gaps. And their poor eyesight means they often miss data matches, leaving you with lots of loose ends to tie up.


In the wake of the other Data Dinosaurs comes the Duplicateworkodocus.

It’s hard to focus on what matters with one of these around – instead they distract teams with an endless stream of repetitive tasks. The time of the Data Dinosaurs is no golden (source) age, so teams across firms check and recheck data, unable to trust its accuracy, completeness or timeliness. And even where they do find and correct errors, nothing is ever fixed permanently in the land of the Data Dinosaurs, creating the perfect environment for the Duplicateworkodocus to thrive.



Triceratoperations struggle with the three prongs of a successful operating model; people, processes and technology.

People dealing with a TriceratOPS are kept in an endless cycle of clean-up and workaround, their days consumed with repeatedly solving the same problems.

Processes themselves are slow to change, if at all, and often manual. They are frequently hidden in the shadows, where teams reluctantly pay for the agility they need with extra risk.

The technology is ancient and outdated, unable to meet the demands of a modern business.


Your roadmap to evolving your Operations.

You’ve met the Data Dinosaurs. You know the pains they cause. Now it’s time to do something about them. Check out the stages of Operations evolution below to discover your next steps to overcoming these challenges once and for all.


T-Recs is an entirely manual affair, with all work carried out via spreadsheets or other forms of end-user computing (EUC).

Replace manual processes with automated data controls.


Duplicateworkodocuses abound in such an environment. Point solutions, often Onpremosaurs, help automate some of your data controls, but lots of manual work is still required.

Use an agile data automation platform to automate work carried out by ‘Human APIs’.


An agile data automation platform handles everything your point solutions can’t. T-Recs is a much less fearsome prospect at this stage, but Triceratoperations is still holding you back with its lack of agility and transparency.

Move processes from Onpremosaur systems across to your Data Automation platform.


All processes consolidated onto your data automation platform. You can start decommissioning your Onpremosaurs.

Time to decommission your Onpremosaurs. Hit the button for tips on delivering such a transformation.


Full automation across the entire lifecycle of your data. Massive efficiency gains and cost and risk reduction. T-Recs, Onpremosaurs, Duplcateworkodocuses and Triceratoperations are history!

Getting here – when the technology is ready – requires thinking about data differently.

Evolve your operations and banish data dinosaurs

There are so many things you can do right now to tame T-Recs, power-down Onpremosaurs and demise Duplicateworkodocuses.
Get in touch to discover how to get started.